Hume proposed in this research to clarify certain issues as uncertainty has caused dismay in the wise and has some darkness in the ignorant.
Philosopher us into this research, stating that all the contents of the human mind are but perceptions and divided into two classes, which gives the name of impressions and ideas, both have two clear differences revolve around:
- Force and vivacity in which he presented to our minds.
- Order or temporal sequence in which they appear.
situated at the first point, we must clarify that the perceptions that arise with greater force and violence, will be called on that impressions name are covered all the feelings, passions and emotions to make their first appearance in our soul.
Instead weakened images of the prints the call ideas.
making such a distinction Hume makes it clear the difference between feeling and think this difference is limited merely to the degree of intensity . Thus, feeling is therefore to be lively perceptions (feelings) and think, however, will be weaker 'perceptions (ideas).
Against this we must consider the duality of all perception, as it will be felt (and feel so alive) and thought (so weak idea.)
After this presentation of the subject, the philosopher will put his general proposition expressing " all simple ideas in their first appearance are derived from simple impressions to which they correspond and represent exactly " . To demonstrate this principle blindly trust two arguments, which primarily considered as sufficient.
The first argument to consist in a great connection between our ideas and impressions for the existence of the one, have a considerable influence on the others.
On this dependence Hume considers the order of their first appearance.
The second argument is expressed that any impression of the mind or body, is followed by a similar idea to this perception, which differ only by their degree of force and vivacity, this is convincing evidence that some are other causes.
However, Hume postulated a counter argument that a contradictory phenomenon are presented to show that it is absolutely impossible to rise of ideas regardless of their respective views, this happens in the cases of the ideas of color and sound.
This will serve as proof that simple ideas are not always derived from the correspondence of views, and for this reason we modify the general maxim.
But Hume also raises the difference between abstract ideas, which are naturally faint and obscure, poorly captures the mind and are likely to be confused with other simple ideas, on the contrary, all impressions , ie all internal and external sensations are strong and vivacious, and its boundaries are determined more precisely, on them is difficult to make mistakes or misunderstandings.
In the words of Hume, when we have suspicions of a philosophical term, seeing that this idea can be taken as used without meaning, just ask: to print this alleged idea derived? This will to confirm our suspicion putting our ideas in a light that illuminates all disputes that may arise.
Regarding Section VII "of the idea of \u200b\u200bnecessary connection," the philosopher begins by distinguishing between the mathematical sciences and moral sciences. Well established that the former have a great advantage because their ideas to be sensible, are always clear and certain, because the object is present to the senses and must be clearly learned.
In speaking of the moral sciences, Hume noted that bring darkness and confusion. And their reasoning, moral reasoning always leads to illusions and delusions.
metaphysics also applied to highlight that this has a major obstacle to their advancement, because as the moral sciences, metaphysics has darkness in their ideas and ambiguity in their terms, their ideas are dark and uncertain. For example, power, strength, power or necessary connection, these examples need to be at all times examined.
why the philosopher, proposes eliminating the darkness that lurks in this branch of philosophy. To achieve this, it takes its maximum expressing it impossible to think of something that had not been perceived through the sense internal or external.
take this postulate, it would demonstrate and explain, and can thus achieve greater clarity in philosophical reasoning.
examine Hume to find it for printing with greater certainty, looking at all the sources from which this can be derived.
expressed that there is no knowledge of the necessary connection, when we look at external objects and consider the action of the causes.
Secondly made clear, that there is in any particular case of cause and effect, anything that might arise from the idea or power connection. Noting that delve into the investigation of whether this idea can be derived from reflection on the operation of our own mind and copied from internal printing. This will conclude that man is conscious and aware of will through the consciousness, this takes the idea of \u200b\u200bpower or energy, idea of \u200b\u200breflection that arises from reflecting on the operations of our own mind, denoting the domination of will over the body as in the faculties of the soul.
Hume shown that learning will influence only from experience, that shows and teaches that an unnecessary event follows another, without instructing us about the secret connection that links them and makes them inseparable.
To reflect on the act of volition, act of the mind with which to be human is familiar. Using the difference between humanity and the philosopher.
For mankind, this acquired through long habit mental attitude that makes the present a case, immediately expect that this support is.
Philosophers however, immediately perceived (even in the most recent events) the energy of the cause, only learn by experience the frequent conjunction of objects, without understanding the connection something like between them.
Recognize them, that intelligence and mind are not only original and ultimate cause of all things, but also is the sole proximate cause and everything that happens in nature.
Engage also commonly known causes objects are actually constraints and that the true principle of every effect is not any power or force, but a volition of the Supreme Being.
discover that ignore that power to which the interaction of bodies and they depend on the action of mind on the body and the body over mind.
affirm that the deity is the immediate cause of the union of soul and body.
And it will be God who reveals the idea to mind making this.
In conclusion there is no necessary connection idea, but in fact a common connection in thought or imagination, between the object and its usual companion, and that succession is the original idea that we seek.
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