Spinoza conceives of God as the only substance that exists in itself and is conceived by itself, that is, that there is no need for any other reality and to be conceived not need any other capacity. Such a substance is the cause of itself in the sense that its essence implies its existence and can not be conceived only as existing.
naturans Natura is the substance since, as required order, it includes both necesitante and needed, the attribute and modes, the one and the many. God is at the same time, natural naturans and natural naturata . God is the cause of himself expressed in the infinite totality of their effects, all that exists is thus a manifestation of God.
"There is in God necessarily the idea, both in its essence, and everything that necessarily follows from the idea"
For Spinoza God is a necessarily existing essence, infinite, eternal, his doctrine of man includes a theory knowledge according to which all ideas, while referring to God are true ideas. The system
spinoziano the only reality: the cause of itself, is one whose essence involves existence, ie what can not be conceived if not exist. This reality is substance, and - as Substance Substance is infinite Reality. Spinoza calls this reality God and Nature or, more precisely, "God or Nature" Deus sive Natura.
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