Friday, October 29, 2010

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Language, Thought and Reality.

1, Gottfried Leibniz July 1646 - Hannover, November 14, 1716
The search aimed at the conception, more akin to the logic of a universal language or script, hence the need to find the alphabet of science, Leibniz seeks primitives that allow you to be a universal feature for him, the number is the most primitive and of course, believe that the primitive notions (innate ideas) can be symbolized by means of characters.
Leibniz called "feature" to its claim to form an independent and universal language, endowed with a rational structure, complex concepts are either produced from combinations of the signs simple notions or mathematical operations on product characteristics that are simple notions, the universal language could serve as the metaphysical sciences but not in the case of morality.
Leibniz intends to build a system of "reasons" derived from the combination of primitive terms and rules that allow the formation of a universal characteristic, but to form words should set rules of processing and / or replacement of components for primitive formation of a body that promotes the knowledge to all mankind.
Believes in the first set of truths, the truths of mathematics and pure logic therefore seeks for knowledge, a language similar to mathematics because it belongs to the realm of identity and of the science itself is the transformation of these identities. Leibniz
use the mathematical procedure, but without the number, only using your function to the combination of characters that compose it, in the disposition or connection of these characters and their analysis, since, following the rules can considered the truth or falsity of the proposition in mathematics is not necessary to go to things but the truth is shown by the rules.
There is equivalence between those characters and formulas that can replace each without violating the laws of calculation, there are other relationships, eg inclusions, similarities and determinations.
We can change the system of signs like no truth for this change, or depend on our power, whatever the characters selected must have an order in these characters, and only one, that is true, ie corresponding real order of things. There is a certain similarity between objects, reality and the various sets of characters
The characters consist of what is in arbitrary but what is true and not depend on our will, ie their relationship to things, occur because the reasoning has determined whether such characters are employed or equally if you are employed other, but when stored the resulting ratio of the relationship of characters that appears when replacing or comparing, that we can relate the same properties of the numbers are relative to the numbering system and therefore have an accidental and non-essential characters, in no way arbitrary, they are eternal and necessary truths
Leibniz distinguishes between necessary truths and contingent truths, necessary truths are those that are necessarily so, you can not think of another way _All eg triangle has three lados_ no other way of thinking than a triangle with three sides, contingent truths can be possible, but may not be.
also be taken into account the classical logical structure of thought is that human thought does not accept that 'P and not P' is true or not P and P 'is false, there is no other way of thinking.

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Spinoza. Demonstrated Ethics as the geometric order

On Spinoza, Baruch, "Ethics in the order shown geometric"
Ed Alliance, SA, Madrid, 1987
party first. "By God" Virginia

by Fernandez

The wide diversity of beings in the universe, always said, since Aristotle, must be explained by its causes. Knowledge of the determinants and guiding principles of the world, not acquired by sensory experience, but through the procedure of the mind pure, according to its own laws, according to the geometrically, according to Spinoza. Spinoza
proceed modeled on deductive and a priori of mathematics based on the assumption that "the order and connection of ideas is the same as the order and connection of things." Governing the causal order of events is the same as the order that the understanding is when operating with ideas. This demonstrates to us that there are multiple causes of events, but only one efficient cause of all that Spinoza calls God or nature. There is only one substance and only one, defined as: "That which is in itself and is conceived through itself, ie, that whose concept to form, does not require the concept of nothing" (definition III).
The concept of innate substance is a clear and distinct idea can not be produced by something else and has to be the cause of itself (causa sui). This substance is known for its attribute: "I understand what the intellect perceives of a substance as constituting the essence of it." Therefore, there is only one substance, possessing infinite attributes, of which, we humans only know two: thought and extension. These attributes embody the essence of the substance or God or nature, belonging the epistemological level. All that is is in God, everything is God's way. "By God I understand a being absolutely infinite, ie a substance consisting of infinite attributes, each of which expresses eternal and infinite essence." The infinity of God implies that there can be other substances, everything is in God.
finite beings, including men, are modes of God understood modes affections of a substance. So, what is otherwise, by which is also conceived. " Finite minds are modes of God under the attribute of thought and are finite modes of God under the attribute of extension. Apart from God there can be no substance, the that the immanent cause of all things (anyway).
Man can be considered as a body (extension) or as a soul (mind), but both are constitutively the same thing.
Everything is determined by the need of the divine nature. Is inevitably finite beings and events are causal but not casual. God is the first cause, the immanent cause, that is all, is the affirmation and denial, is present as natural naturata (things) with the understanding. Understanding is the ability to represent things.

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contingent truths and necessary truths. Leibniz

On Leibniz 'Philosophical Writings (by Ezequiel Alonso, Charcas, 1980) Chapter V "First making the system "item 4" necessary and contingent truths "by Virginia Fernandez
Rationalist, nativist, the continuation of the current modern thinking with the head the name of Descartes, involved in reading the English empiricist, especially Locke believes that the mistake they make is trying to reduce the ratio to the pure fact, the factual, are wrong in considering the thought as pure experience.
Our knowledge, pose Leibniz, is composed of truths "right" and truth "in fact, be true" a statement whose predicate is included in the subject. "
truths of reason are those set out that something is so and can not be more than that way, are those that express a necessary being. Truths of fact are those set out that something is in some ways but it could be otherwise, are those that express a contingent being, are causal, accidental. The first group of truths we find the truths of mathematics and pure logic. In the second group are historical truths, the truths of physical experience.
What are the truths of reason are innate means so germ, which is a germ of these ideas in mind and is what is the spirit itself. Knowledge is included in the human mind. These germs, these innate ideas require only contact with the experience to unfold. These truths of reason, we can say that they are a priori, independent of experience. On the contrary, the truths are in fact produced by experience, are imprinted on us through perception.
As the ideal of knowledge, the necessary knowledge, which is supplied to us by the truths of reason, are these necessary truths facing the contingency of the others.
"An absolutely necessary proposition is one that can be solved in identical propositions, whose opposite implies contradiction." Thus
we found necessary truths expressing a need "metaphysical or geometrical, and continues Leibniz," to which no such need to call it contingent, but that implies a contradiction, that is, whose opposite is needed, is called impossible. Other things are called possible. "
contingent truths Still, the fact, no longer have a certain objectivity, because somehow, the way it is. Then we can see that there is a principle of "sufficient reason", a way to think of the endless series of possibilities that I have a proposition to the other and that makes me weary on the arduous path of not being able ever to identity, cause that does not require the application of the principle of sufficient reason, but it was a cause which possesses within itself the necessity. Should be a fact and a truth of reason. That is God for Leibniz. This is why it arises in us a knowledge that is ideal of pure rationality. The man with the accumulation of knowledge, the establishment of connections, by reasoning, combinations, substitutions, through logical judgments and rules set, so we could approach the divine knowledge, as an ideal of knowledge.
"We learn by this that some are propositions concerning the essences of things, others, however, the que concierne a sus existencias; las esenciales son, como es obvio, aquellas que pueden demostrarse por análisis de sus términos; es decir, las que son necesarias, o sea, las que son virtualmente idénticas; cuyo opuesto es, por lo mismo, imposible, o sea, virtualmente contradictorio. Y estas son las verdades eternas que no solo valdrán mientras el mundo subsista, sino que también habrían valido si Dios hubiese creado un mundo según otra norma. De estas difieren, empero, las existenciales o contingentes, cuya verdad es comprendida a priori por la sola mente infinita, y no puede demostrarse con análisis alguno; y tales son aquellas que son verdaderas en un tiempo determinado, y no solo expresan lo que pertenece a the possibility of things, but what now exists or what there was to be contingently, under certain conditions, for example, that I now live, the sun shines. "
As we find that God does nothing without knowing in advance what does, and the knowledge of necessary truths is involved in the divine intellect, Leibniz writes that contingent truths are "divine decrees." It is God who predetermines the ideas of men, before they exist. These contents of the mind, that power of representing a certain things, these ideas are going to be guided by the understanding of combination and substitution operations, whose passage from one idea to another is possible

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"Ethics in the order shown geometric", "Baruch de Spinoza (1632-1677) David Hume

Spinoza conceives of God as the only substance that exists in itself and is conceived by itself, that is, that there is no need for any other reality and to be conceived not need any other capacity. Such a substance is the cause of itself in the sense that its essence implies its existence and can not be conceived only as existing.
naturans Natura is the substance since, as required order, it includes both necesitante and needed, the attribute and modes, the one and the many. God is at the same time, natural naturans and natural naturata . God is the cause of himself expressed in the infinite totality of their effects, all that exists is thus a manifestation of God.
"There is in God necessarily the idea, both in its essence, and everything that necessarily follows from the idea"
For Spinoza God is a necessarily existing essence, infinite, eternal, his doctrine of man includes a theory knowledge according to which all ideas, while referring to God are true ideas. The system
spinoziano the only reality: the cause of itself, is one whose essence involves existence, ie what can not be conceived if not exist. This reality is substance, and - as Substance Substance is infinite Reality. Spinoza calls this reality God and Nature or, more precisely, "God or Nature" Deus sive Natura.

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" Research on Human Understanding "- Lucía Delgado Georgina Ferrara-History of Modern Philosophy

Hume proposed in this research to clarify certain issues as uncertainty has caused dismay in the wise and has some darkness in the ignorant.

Philosopher us into this research, stating that all the contents of the human mind are but perceptions and divided into two classes, which gives the name of impressions and ideas, both have two clear differences revolve around:

  • Force and vivacity in which he presented to our minds.
  • Order or temporal sequence in which they appear.

situated at the first point, we must clarify that the perceptions that arise with greater force and violence, will be called on that impressions name are covered all the feelings, passions and emotions to make their first appearance in our soul.

Instead weakened images of the prints the call ideas.

making such a distinction Hume makes it clear the difference between feeling and think this difference is limited merely to the degree of intensity . Thus, feeling is therefore to be lively perceptions (feelings) and think, however, will be weaker 'perceptions (ideas).

Against this we must consider the duality of all perception, as it will be felt (and feel so alive) and thought (so weak idea.)

After this presentation of the subject, the philosopher will put his general proposition expressing " all simple ideas in their first appearance are derived from simple impressions to which they correspond and represent exactly " . To demonstrate this principle blindly trust two arguments, which primarily considered as sufficient.

The first argument to consist in a great connection between our ideas and impressions for the existence of the one, have a considerable influence on the others.

On this dependence Hume considers the order of their first appearance.

The second argument is expressed that any impression of the mind or body, is followed by a similar idea to this perception, which differ only by their degree of force and vivacity, this is convincing evidence that some are other causes.

However, Hume postulated a counter argument that a contradictory phenomenon are presented to show that it is absolutely impossible to rise of ideas regardless of their respective views, this happens in the cases of the ideas of color and sound.

This will serve as proof that simple ideas are not always derived from the correspondence of views, and for this reason we modify the general maxim.

But Hume also raises the difference between abstract ideas, which are naturally faint and obscure, poorly captures the mind and are likely to be confused with other simple ideas, on the contrary, all impressions , ie all internal and external sensations are strong and vivacious, and its boundaries are determined more precisely, on them is difficult to make mistakes or misunderstandings.

In the words of Hume, when we have suspicions of a philosophical term, seeing that this idea can be taken as used without meaning, just ask: to print this alleged idea derived? This will to confirm our suspicion putting our ideas in a light that illuminates all disputes that may arise.

Regarding Section VII "of the idea of \u200b\u200bnecessary connection," the philosopher begins by distinguishing between the mathematical sciences and moral sciences. Well established that the former have a great advantage because their ideas to be sensible, are always clear and certain, because the object is present to the senses and must be clearly learned.

In speaking of the moral sciences, Hume noted that bring darkness and confusion. And their reasoning, moral reasoning always leads to illusions and delusions.

metaphysics also applied to highlight that this has a major obstacle to their advancement, because as the moral sciences, metaphysics has darkness in their ideas and ambiguity in their terms, their ideas are dark and uncertain. For example, power, strength, power or necessary connection, these examples need to be at all times examined.

why the philosopher, proposes eliminating the darkness that lurks in this branch of philosophy. To achieve this, it takes its maximum expressing it impossible to think of something that had not been perceived through the sense internal or external.

take this postulate, it would demonstrate and explain, and can thus achieve greater clarity in philosophical reasoning.

examine Hume to find it for printing with greater certainty, looking at all the sources from which this can be derived.


expressed that there is no knowledge of the necessary connection, when we look at external objects and consider the action of the causes.

Secondly made clear, that there is in any particular case of cause and effect, anything that might arise from the idea or power connection. Noting that delve into the investigation of whether this idea can be derived from reflection on the operation of our own mind and copied from internal printing. This will conclude that man is conscious and aware of will through the consciousness, this takes the idea of \u200b\u200bpower or energy, idea of \u200b\u200breflection that arises from reflecting on the operations of our own mind, denoting the domination of will over the body as in the faculties of the soul.

Hume shown that learning will influence only from experience, that shows and teaches that an unnecessary event follows another, without instructing us about the secret connection that links them and makes them inseparable.

To reflect on the act of volition, act of the mind with which to be human is familiar. Using the difference between humanity and the philosopher.

For mankind, this acquired through long habit mental attitude that makes the present a case, immediately expect that this support is.

Philosophers however, immediately perceived (even in the most recent events) the energy of the cause, only learn by experience the frequent conjunction of objects, without understanding the connection something like between them.

Recognize them, that intelligence and mind are not only original and ultimate cause of all things, but also is the sole proximate cause and everything that happens in nature.

Engage also commonly known causes objects are actually constraints and that the true principle of every effect is not any power or force, but a volition of the Supreme Being.

discover that ignore that power to which the interaction of bodies and they depend on the action of mind on the body and the body over mind.

affirm that the deity is the immediate cause of the union of soul and body.

And it will be God who reveals the idea to mind making this.

In conclusion there is no necessary connection idea, but in fact a common connection in thought or imagination, between the object and its usual companion, and that succession is the original idea that we seek.

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John Locke Essay Concerning Human Understanding "-Book III - by Lucia Delgado and Georgina Ferrara. -History of Modern Philosophy-

Locke aims to examine the use of human intellect in relation to specific sectors or areas of knowledge, but who studies the intellect itself capabilities, functions and limits. Therefore, it is not examining the objects, but at the same subject.

Subject and object are the two components for knowledge, the object is the image represented by the subject, but at the time this image was expressed through the word.

The representation may be more or less true, but no more or less true. This representation for the subject is expressed through language. And if I represent a clear and distinct word will also be clear and distinct.

Locke is the source of true representation, that is inside it. Finds her in a universal language. Language is the way I have to represent my world.

However, in the following lines will be out a summary of Book III of An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, "where, in the words of Locke, develops, more broadly, as discussed earlier, which will help us to understand the issue of language and the relationship between words and ideas, and shaft covers named Book III.


About the words or language in general.

The man is willing to form articulate sounds. It was God who endowed man with language, which is the instrument and common bond with society, because man must of necessity relate to their own kind. Therefore, man has by nature his organs so arranged that is able to articulate sounds which we call words.

Besides articulate sounds, it became necessary for man to be able to use them as internal conceptions and it is precisely these sounds could be established as signs of ideas lodged in his mind, so that thoughts the minds of men to communicate to each other.

is not enough for the perfection of language that signs can be converted into signs of ideas, unless those signs can be used in a manner that can span several particulars. To remedy this inconvenience, language had a greater improvement in the use of general terms, by which a word was made to draw a large number of individual stocks.

The words are derived, ultimately, other sensible ideas mean, with that noted the dependence of our words about simple ideas common.

To give names to forward to another, any operations they felt in themselves, or idea does not come from your senses, they needed to use words, ideas, feelings commonly known to be able to conceive the other, those undergoing operations in themselves and then when they had names to signify those internal operations of their own minds, and were sufficiently equipped to make known by words all their ideas.

To better understand the use and power of language, as server training and knowledge, it is useful to consider:

  • do you apply in the use made language, names.
  • Since all names (except their own) are general and not particularly mean this or that particular thing, but the classes and ranges of things must be taken into account, what are the species and genera of things.

Delimited this, you can better determine the correct use words, the advantages and shortcomings of language, the remedies to be used to avoid problems in the meaning of words.

About the meaning of words.

Words are sensible signs, necessary for the communication of ideas.

Man, although it has great variety of thoughts, and of such kind that they other men like him, to receive benefit and satisfaction, however, has these thoughts, hidden or invisible to the gaze of other men. But as the comfort and progress of society could not be achieved without the communication of ideas, it became necessary for man to find a sensitive external signs, so those invisible ideas, which are made of thought, could be released other men. And to achieve this goal, just the way that those articulated sounds which were found endowed.

Words adapted by nature to that finally came to be used by men to serve as signs of their ideas. Thus, the use of words is that the signals are sensitive to the ideas, and ideas that are meant for those are their own and immediate significance.

As the men make use of these signals is or to record their own ideas in support of the ideas, or, so to speak, to draw their ideas and expose them to the sight of other men, the mean wordiness, the ideas in the mind of the uses, however imperfect these ideas were collected from the things that are supposed to represent. The purpose of speech is that those sounds can, to express their ideas to the listener. It is, therefore, that words are the signs or signs of the speaker's ideas. Words are signs volunteers can not be voluntary signs imposed by unfamiliar things, because this would make them signs of nothing, sounds without signification.

The words, however, also refer to two things:

  • They assume that words are also signs of the ideas in the minds of other men with whom they communicate. Men do not notice whether the idea they have in mind is the same as that of dialoguing with them, but they are satisfied to think that is enough to think the words. They think the idea of \u200b\u200bwho made a sign that word is exactly the same as that applied men understood that name of that country.
  • words, through use, cause the ideas of objects. Therefore, it should be noted, in regard to ideas, the following:

First, happens that for constant use, they come to establish some connection between sounds and ideas they mean.

Second, given that proper and immediate signification of words are ideas in the mind of speakers.

Many words are learned before knowing the ideas they stand for, some, pronounce words like parrots, only because they have learned and become accustomed to their sound. But from the moment the words are useful and meaningful, there is a constant connection between sound and the idea and the indication that one is meant for the other. Without the application of words, they are nothing but mere noise without meaning.

The words come to lead in men certain ideas, that they are inclined to assume that there is a natural connection between each other. But only mean particular ideas of men and this is so totally arbitrary imposition, is evident by the fact that words often fail to result in others the same ideas we had taken of signs. And everyone has an inviolable freedom to make words mean the ideas you want, because nobody has the power to make other people have in their minds the same ideas he has, when they use the same words to him. One thing is certain: their significance in the use made of them, is limited to their ideas and can not be signs of anything else.

In general terms.

First, the significance and use of words depend on the connection the mind makes between these ideas and sounds used as signs, it is necessary in the application of names to things, that the mind may have different ideas of things and retain the unique name to that idea.

Secondly, men learn names and use them in conversation with men, just to understand them, which, by the use or consensus, the sound of my speech organs produce causes in the mind of the listen to the idea which I apply on my own, when I talk.

Thirdly, it should also be noted that a name for a particular thing would not be useful for the development of knowledge, which, although it is founded in particular things, be extended for general concepts, the things are subject, reduced to classes under generic names. Besides the people, you often give these names to the countries, rivers, mountains and other similar kinds of places and that for the same reasons, since these are things that men have to indicate how frequently particular.

Now, how do we build broad terms, or where in general natures are those not considered to be meant by those terms? Words get to do overall because they are the signs of general ideas, and ideas become general when separated from the circumstances of time and place and any ideas which you can determine them to this or that particular existence .

As for the origin of our notions and names, nothing is more evident that the ideas that form the children about people who deal with them. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe nurse and the mother is perfectly etched in their minds and represent, as if they were portraits of these people, only those individuals. The names they hear and see first is simply to call these individuals, that the child uses only appoint these people. Then, when under prolonged treatment time and notes that exist in the world many things and get an idea where he discovered that all those individuals involved and, for example, give the name of man, like other . And so come to have a general name and a general idea in it, they do not invent anything new, but leaving partial or particular aspects of each of these individuals, Peter and James, Mary and Jane, leaving outside the complex idea and retaining only what is common to them all.

is to say that our complex ideas are defined by the properties contained therein. In the same way we come to acquire a general name and idea of \u200b\u200bman, as the different things that differ in the idea of \u200b\u200bman, and could not be under the same name, but which, however, have certain qualities that also agree to man, keeping them as only an idea, other ideas have wrought even more general, to which they assign a name, which becomes a term of a more comprehensive extension. And this idea is achieved by leaving out the form and some other properties including in the end man.

Regarding the use of gender in the definitions, the definition is to make another understand by words what idea he meant by that term is defined, a definition will be more perfect if it lists those simple ideas I know they're combined in the signification of the term defined, and if, instead of the enumeration, men have become accustomed to using the nearest general term, was not a necessity, or by virtue of clarity, but for greater convenience and speed.

To return to general words, it is clear that the general and universal not belong to the real existence of things, but only to the signs, whether words or ideas. As noted, the words are general when used as signs of general ideas and thus can be applied to many particular things and ideas are general when they are formed to represent many things private. But the universality does not belong to the same things, all of which are unique in their existence, so when we leave the particular, the generalities that are, or general in nature is nothing more than the capacity given to them by the understanding of meaning or representing many particulars. Because its meaning is but a relationship that the human mind are added.

It happens, that what words mean general is a kind of thing, and each of them means that to be the sign of an abstract idea that we have in mind, and this idea, as long as the existing things conform to it, fall under that name, or are of this type

It follows that the abstract idea that the name means and the essence of the species is all one and the same. The essences of the kinds of things, and its classification, is by the understanding that abstracts and forging those general ideas.

For when we say this is a man, that's a horse, this is justice, what cruelty what we do but rank things under different specific names, as long as these things up with those abstract ideas which we have made signs.

These abstract ideas are the means to establish their union, so the essence of the species, just as we distinguish and call can not be anything but those abstract ideas we have in mind.

So every distinct abstract idea is an abstract essence and different names used for such distinct ideas are the names of things essentially different.

About particles.

particles linked parts of sentences or whole sentences. Besides the words which are names of ideas in mind, there are others that are used to signify the connection between the mind set of ideas or propositions. The mind does not only need to communicate their thoughts to others, signs of the ideas they have or have had, but also has other signs need to show or suggest any particular action of yours, which then relates to their ideas. But moreover, the mind to clarify your feelings to others, connecting not only the parts of propositions, but whole sentences, each other, with their various relationships and dependencies, to achieve a coherent discourse.

in the proper use of these particles is the art of good talk . The words are usually called particles, and is in its proper use as is more particularly the clarity and beauty of a good style. To think it not enough that a man has ideas clear and distinct in his thoughts, but you need to think with illation and observe the dependence of their thoughts and reasoning with each other. And to properly express such a thought, methodical and rational, you should use words that show the connection established in each respective part of his speech.

About the imperfection of words .

Words are used to record and communicate our thoughts. To examine the perfection or imperfection of words is necessary to consider its use and purpose, because in the same way to achieve that, so will be more or less perfect.

First, for the record of our own thoughts.

Second, to communicate our thoughts to others.

As the first of these two purposes, any of our words are used. Then as the sounds are signs different from any future volunteers and ideas, a man may use the words you want to signify their own ideas to himself, and there is no imperfection in them if used consistently the same sign for the same idea, because then you have understood the meaning of his message, which is what is the right use and perfection of language.

Secondly, the word communication is also a dual use:

  • Civil .
  • Philosophy.

First, for civil use, I mean the communication of thoughts and ideas through words, as used for the maintenance of common conversation and commerce on the issues and conveniences of civil life, in societies of men, one among the others.

Second, for philosophical use, such use from them that can be used to communicate the precise notions of things and to express in general propositions certain and undoubted truths, which satisfies the mind in its quest for true knowledge.

The imperfection of words is the ambiguity of its meaning, which is the product of the kind of ideas they mean. As the purpose of language in communication to be understood, words can not adequately serve this purpose, or in civil discourse or philosophical, if any word in the listener does not raise the same idea in mind which means the speaker. The question of uncertainty because their meaning is rather in the ideas that mean that in a disability who have a sound but that in another to signify any idea. So what makes some words more doubtful or uncertain in their meaning is the difference in the ideas they stand.

The names of mixed modes are subject to great uncertainty and obscurity in its meaning because of the composition offered complex ideas. When a word means a complex idea is not easy for men to retain and form to this idea exactly. It follows that rarely see the men when they have given names to complex ideas, have the same meaning.

About the abuse of words .

Besides the imperfection that is naturally in the language and the darkness and confusion that is so difficult to avoid the use of words, there is some intentional fault and negligence of the men are guilty, in this way of communication, why do these signs are less clear and distinct in their signification than naturally they should be.

The first abuse is the use of words without ideas clear and distinct, or signs without anything signified. It may be noted, in all languages, certain words which means no clear and distinct in their proper use and its origin. These have been introduced by the various sects of philosophy and religion. Because their authors, or by defending opinions strange or hide any weakness of their hypotheses, it is not surprising that use vulgar that make their supporters, but signs are not empty, with no or very little significance.

Then there are other abuses, which, frequently used words in the language that the property has been attached to important ideas, without any truly established meaning.

This is because men learn the names before they have the ideas belonging to them and continue throughout their entire life doing it and without making the effort to fix in their minds certain ideas , used his words to mean their confused notions, contenting himself with the same words as others, as if these sounds carry the same meaning. So obviously concerned with his speeches with an abundance of empty verbiage and unintelligible noises. Are often mere sounds.

Another great abuse of words is inconstancy in use. As the purpose of words to be signs of my ideas, to communicate them to others, not by any natural signification, but by a voluntary imposition, it's a great abuse, that sometimes means one thing and sometimes a different .

Another abuse of language is affected in a dark, well, applying new meanings to words or unusual, or by introducing new and ambiguous terms, without defining them or putting them together, so it its usual meaning confusing.

not surprising that philosophers of antiquity and later the Scholastics found in the Subtlety a good reason to conceal their ignorance by a set of confusing words and to obtain the admiration of others through unintelligible terms, capable of producing amazing how much harder it is to be understood.

This art of alienating others in the true knowledge has spread worldwide. Well, other well-meaning very wise men, whose education and circumstance has not allowed them to use the "subtlety" can communicate intelligibly with each other and take advantage of language in normal use and thus clarify understanding.

Then, they have done nothing but confuse the meaning of words and thus have made the language somewhat less useful.

Locke proposes that the human race, make use of the words plain and direct language that has been taken to improve knowledge and join the society, not be employed to destroy and hide the truth rights of peoples.

The purposes of language are:

  • make known the thoughts of a man or his ideas, to another.
  • Doing more easily possible.
  • Transmit knowledge of things.

Regarding the last point, there is no knowledge of things and the same not be transmitted in words, if the ideas of men do not fit the reality of the words.

The man who has in any language words that correspond to ideas in his mind that this has only meaningless noise issue, as these, when used in his speech and it will not advance their knowledge, their words are empty sounds.

should be constantly use the same sign for the same idea.

who use words from any language to mean different ideas, words that are usually applied in that country, it can using those words than usual, to communicate anything else. To do this, you must first define your terms giving, effectively their thoughts.

who have complex ideas without names, lack of freedom in their expressions, will not be misinterpreted and misunderstood.

who apply names to ideas different from the common usage, have no property in their language and this will become meaningless jargon.

In terms of modes and relations are exposed to problems, you can have in memory mode names, eg, gratitude and love, lacking ideas. You can also have the idea and do not know the origin of its name.

can not in the case of modes and relations have ideas incompatible with the existence of things, because the modes are complex ideas forged by the mind at will "and relationships" are the way to consider or compare things to one another. "


Abuse is the figurative expressions, this is seen in the rhetoric and only serve to insinuate wrong ideas, move passions to seduce the trial.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pro Start Replacement

Spinoza in the first part of his book "Ethics in the order shown geometrically, presents first eight definitions, in which he says what he means by: own cause, finite , substance, attribute , way, God , free , eternity, then the definitions shows seven axioms, these axioms are self-evident, but, taking into account the above definitions, and finally writes thirty-six proposals with their respective shows, making this claim for the axioms and definitions first.

And it tells us that:

Whatever is, is God, anyway (so are the conditions of a substance, what is something else, through which is also designed) are ways of being in God, natural things are ways of being in God.

God is a substance (meaning what substance is in itself and is conceived through itself) infinite has infinite attributes (attributes is what the understanding perceives a substance as constituting the essence of it), but does not exist because there is an attribute, but there it is a substance.

God is free (free is something that exists by virtue of the mere necessity of its nature and determined to act alone), he is not forced to act, but acts on the sole necessity of his nature , has no will, therefore things that appear to follow necessarily from the need of God and not his will.

Spinoza denies the possibility of chance and contingency.

God necessarily exists and we need the being of God to exist.

For Spinoza God is more than a set of propositions, is more than a set of theorems, is more than an idea. God is present to the understanding, is present in things, in nature.

Spinoza is exploiting the structure of mathematics, this is the instrument used to account for these principles, principles that will then determine human action.

Ultimately what you are doing is a metaphysics that will serve to make clear what that means everything, and thus then understand the ethics, ethics understood as the geometric order, as well as the name says of his work.