In the preface of "Groundwork to the Metaphysics of Morals" writing Immanuel Kant in 1785, is described as divided the ancient Greek philosophy, and made it through three sciences: physics, ethics and logic.
All rational knowledge is either material or is formal.
philosophy is called formal logic, and it only deals with the way of understanding and reason of it and of the universal rules of thought in general, without distinction of objects. Material philosophy, however, that has reference to certain objects and the laws they are subject, is divided into two: physical (or theory of nature) and ethics (or theory of morals).
Any philosophy that is rooted in fundamentals can be called empirical experience but is pure philosophy which he presents his theories arise solely from a priori principles.
pure philosophy when it is purely formal logic is called, but when limited to certain objects of the understanding, is called metaphysics.
So the idea of \u200b\u200ba dual metaphysics, a metaphysics of nature and a metaphysics of morals. Physics, it has an empirical part and part wise, ethics feel the same, but here the empirical part might be called practical anthropology, and the sound is called moral.
After reading this part of the prologue, we can observe a preview of what Kant intends to demonstrate, then what did he say Kant: Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals "?
To me I happened to think of it this way: on the merits understand the how?, In what way?, For metaphysical understand the ideas of reason, a priori principles, that is, independent of any experience therefore this would place the duty, to understand the empirical traditions of ethics, experience, our actions, so this would put the making.
Then, returning, will be trying to explain how this is attached, or join how pure ideas of reason to human actions, how to join a priori with the empirical?, and Kant say, by a universal law, and This universal law is the categorical imperative, this is a mandate, and mandate will be a good in itself, this imperative is apodictic (worth in a manner necessary and unconditional).
So you could say that the metaphysics of morals would take the form of a synthetic judgments a priori, or is it universal, necessary and extensive, because you need to go out and extensive experience.
could say that Kant always moves in the same plane, hence the genius of thought, always trying to account for how you can make a synthesis between pure and empirical.
The problem that arises is whether can a universal law (categorical imperative) asserted for the experience? Or put another way, can a universal law to determine the good or bad actions of men? Carina
3rd. year of the Faculty of Philosophy
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