Reading Reading Reading Thomas Hobbes Machiavelli
Hobbes The time is characterized by great political divide the which confronted both sides well defined
- Royalists : defending the absolute monarchy's legitimacy on the grounds that it came directly from God.
- Parliamentarians claimed that sovereignty should be shared between the king and the people.
Hobbes was kept in a neutral position between the two sides and that while sovereignty is claimed that the king, his power came from God. Hobbes's philosophical thought is defined by framed within the mechanistic materialism, a trend that says that only a "body" and denies the existence of the soul. It also says that man is governed by the laws of the universe. In these two concepts their thinking is similar to that of Spinoza, but differs greatly on this by stating that man is like a machine, since according to Hobbes, man moves continuously to achieve their desires, this movement is classified into two types of approach, the man always comes to the things you want and away, the man away from things that threaten life . So says the society is always in motion.
wrote Leviathan, a manual on human nature and society is organized. Based on the definition of man and its features explains the appearance of law and the various types of government that are necessary for coexistence in society. The origin of the state is the covenant I made all the men together, subordinating since then a ruler, which seeks for the good of all subjects and himself. That way it shapes the social organization.
REASON: When one sees a reasonable sum by the addition of each of its parts, which is done by means of words.
In any field there is room for the conjunction and subtraction of words, there is also room for reason in this regard because it is more than the sum of the consequences.
The reason is always accurate, no clutch is not certain, since the real reason men take such disputes to the passions that dominate.
use and to reason are not getting the truth of the consequences, but to start and advance in a sequel to another.
When a man reasons I could fall into error and absurdity, the error is when we think something will happen cake and does not happen, this may be subject to all men even the most cautious, and when reasoning with words and expressed no sense falls into the absurd.
Causes of absurdity:
One of the main reasons has to do with the lack of method, this is when it starts not the meaning of the names
Another is where the absurdity comes from the poor significance of the names used.
Another is the use of metaphors, instead of the correct words.
And one of the latter cases is to use names that mean nothing, which is routinely taken and learning.
Those who avoid all these reasons, it may not fall into the absurd. In conclusion
reason all men the same way, well, when they have good principles.
SCIENCE: Science for Hobbes is not innate sense or memory, or is acquired by experience and prudence, science is achieved through effort. First
the proper imposition of names and then applying a correct method and reasonable, then reach syllogisms, which are the connections of these two steps above these, we arrive at a knowledge of all the consequences and this men call science. Science is in this sense the knowledge of all the consequences and dependencies of an event over another. Those without science
meet with their natural prudence, and this leads to formulate general rules, false or absurd.
For Hobbes, prudence is a lot of experience and wisdom is a lot of science, usually to designate the two things we use the term wisdom, wisdom against wisdom is infallible because they are only in books and did not lead to practice.
Signs Science:
Some are true, when one can prove the truth of science so obvious to another, and are uncertain when only respond to certain events which would have to prove.
Signs of prudence
All signs of caution are uncertain because as it comes to experience, observe and remember all circumstances that occur in a particular event, is impossible.
Nature has made men so equal in the faculties of body and mind that while a man is stronger or more intelligent body of understanding that another, when considered together, the difference between man and man is not so important that one can aspire to like him. With respect to bodily strength, the weakest has strength enough to kill the strongest, either by secret plots or confederated with one that is in the same danger as he is.
As I find the mental faculties even larger among men, which in terms of strength. For prudence is but experience, which all men reach alike, equal time, and those things which are equally devoted. What you can do anything amazing tal igualdad, no es sino un vano concepto de la propia sabiduría. Tal es, la naturaleza de los hombres que si bien reconocen que otros son mas sagaces, mas elocuentes o mas cultos, difícilmente llegan a creer que haya muchos tan sabios como ellos mismos, ya que cada uno ve su propio talento ala mano, y el de los demás hombres a distancia.
De la igualdad procede la desconfianza. De esta igualdad en cuanto a la capacidad se deriva la igualdad de esperanza respecto a la consecución de nuestros fines. Esta es la causa de que si dos hombres desean la misma cosa, y en modo alguno pueden disfrutarla ambos, se vuelven enemigos, y en el camino que conduce al fin, tratan de aniquilarse o sojuzgarse uno a otro.
De la desconfianza, to war. Given this situation of mutual distrust, there is no such reasonable procedure for a man to protect himself, as the anticipation, that is mastered by means of force or by cunning men all I can, until no other power capable of threatening. This is not another thing but it requires its own preservation, and is allowed.
They are in the nature of man three leading causes of discord . Competition first, second, distrust, and finally, glory.
The first cause impels men to attack to make a profit, the second to achieve security, the third for winning reputation. The first makes use of violence to become master of the people, and second, to defend them, the third resort to force by insignificant, as a word, a smile, a different view, as any sign of understatement, and either directly in their persons or indirectly in their offspring. Out of State
civil war there is always each against all . During the time men live without a common power to frighten all are in the condition or state which is called war, a war that it is everyone against everyone. In such a situation there is no opportunity for the industry, there is growing land, or navigation, or knowledge of the earth, no art, no letters, no society, and there is continual fear and danger of violent death and life of man solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.
nothing in such a war is unjust . In this war of all against all, there is a consequence: that nothing can be unjust. Where there is no common power, there is no law, where no law, no justice. In war, force and fraud are the two virtues. It is natural that in this condition there are no ownership or domain. .
While man has a certain ability to overcome this state, is partly because of his passions, partly because of his reason. The passions that incline men to peace are fear of death, the desire for things that are necessary for a comfortable life, and hope to get them through work. Instead, Reason suggests appropriate norms of peace, which in man can come to mutual agreement. These standards are what are called laws of nature.
Although there was never a time when particular men were in a state of war against each other in all the times, kings and persons of sovereign authority, jealous of their independence, are in a state of constant enmity staring at each other, with its strong garrisons, and guns on guard at the borders of their kingdoms, all of which implies a attitude. war. But because they uphold thereby the industry of his subjects, not this misery that accompanies the liberty of particular men
Chapter XIV. The laws of nature and Hobbes
contracts between two stages: one is a state of barbarism, a state of war of all against all and the other is a situation where there is a state created and sustained by law, a state to initiate and reform its structure.
men want and desire the goods and privileges of others, this would be the human need for nature is at war with each other and on the other hand, reason to believe that without security desired goods and privileges are meaningless because they can not enjoy. The reason then suggests appropriate standards of peace for which men could reach mutual consensus. These rules are called laws of nature. Will serve for man out of the state of war.
First Law: Every man must strive for peace, while having the hope of achieving it, and when you can not get it must seek and use all possible advantages of war. Ie to seek peace and follow defended by all possible means.
Second Law: The man must agree to waive this right in all things and meet with the same freedom with respect to the other, against it. In Indeed, while you keep your right to do whatever he pleases, men are at war. And if others do not want to give up that right as there is no reason for anyone to divest himself of such an award, because this rather than disposed to peace, would be offered as a prize (no man is bound).
waive a right is to divest himself of the freedom to prevent another benefit of his own right, for he who resigns or passes the law, does not give another man a right which had not previously, because there is nothing to which every man had not right by nature.
A right is abandoned by the waiver or transfer to another. Resignation, when you do not mind who falls profit. Transfer, when the intention is that the benefit is borne by some other person or persons. And a man in one of these ways has left or right handed is said then that this must not prevent or subject to that to which it is granted or abandoned the right to benefit from it. And it should and it is their duty not to let this worthless own voluntary act and that such hindrance is injustice and prejudice, because it was the duty previously renounced or transferred.
Contract: the mutual transfer of a right is what men call contract. One party can deliver by hand the thing hired, and let the other meets with it at some later time, they are confident in, and then the contract is called a covenant, or agreement, or both parties may contract to meet later and in such cases, the fulfillment of one who, enjoying trust, has to play in the future, called promise and lack of compliance (if voluntary) is called a violation of faith. When the transfer of a right is not mutual, but one party transfers in the hope they win for friendship or other service or your friends, or compassion, this is not a contract but a gift, thanks.
say that he first meets a contract deserves to be received under the contract compliance.
The covenants set forth in fear, in the condition of mere nature are required.
Chapter XVII: Of the state.
of the causes, generation and definition of a republic.
The final cause, purpose or design of men (which naturalmen "I love freedom and dominion over others) to introduce this restriction on themselves (in which we live for-command states) is the care of its own preservation and, in addition, to achieve a more harmonious life, ie the desire to leave this miserable condition of war. The men entered including the restriction of life republics to care for their own preservation and achieving a happier life, this means moving from the previous war situation (linked to the natural passions of men) related to the absence of visible power to instil fear or punishment of the laws of nature (justice, equity, modesty, mercy ... ie do unto others what we do not want done to us). These laws of nature are contrary to the natural passions of man.
Man has need for a power up and large enough to ensure the safety and protect against other men. This security is not achieved gathering in small groups or large groups, and that either may be weak or disorganized to the presence of a greater enemy, or in his absence, may even be war between them and their interests.
Hobbes states that exist in nature examples of animal communities living in peace organization, said for example, ants and bees and how Aristotle cited in what he considered "political communities." He says that many may wonder why the man seems incapable of doing this, and responds to it in first place, men are continually in competition for honor and dignity (something lacking in these creatures), thus arises between men envy, hatred and finally war. Secondly mentioned that these creatures are identical between the common good and private good, (thus ensuring compliance with the personal satisfaction and community needs), but men do not. Third, that the lack of reason in these creatures are prevented from seeing or thinking about any kind of defect ... Leyla
Rajoy, Carla Raichuni, Natalia Tourón, Johanna Vega
Machiavelli and Hobbes: The modern political thought.
by Damian Scaff, and Araceli Ocampo Cristian Sabransky
The Social Contract
Before there was the State, the man lived immersed in the state of nature. The state of nature is a state of continuous violence, men have nothing to rein in their ambitions. In this state there are two key points: the ambition and the ability to make this ambition. Pousadela Inés says Hobbes identified three causes of the conflict between people, namely: competence, confidence and glory or the craving for profit, safety, and reputation. On the other hand the capacity to make these ambitions are similar in all men so that there is an imposition on others for a long time. That is why the fight is perpetual. Can not be maintained any building, or can develop the art or science: they live in constant war. Men aspire to the same and his ambition knows no bounds and on the other hand, men are faced with the same ability as them. In these circumstances no one has the life assured, because even the weakest has the ability to kill the strongest, plus the inability to live comfortably producing more harm than good. Hobbes says that the state of nature "human life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short." The solution found by men is to create a social compact of mutual commitment, but being so selfish, they themselves end up in breach of contract by returning to the state of nature. To prevent this from happening as spouses elect a person to ensure compliance with the contract, which give all their rights. This guarantee is the sovereign, who besides possessing the rights of the parties, has the power to create laws without being tied to this, urging them to comply with the threat of punishment. But in contrast, has a responsibility to ensure the security and peace of his subjects, and his power is legitimate to the extent that it can fulfill its task. The sovereign is responsible then the state symbolized by the figure of Leviathan. Pousadela asserts that the only way they can generate the social contract is that the effect becomes cause, ie, if the only way to make a contract is respected by the monarch, can not constitute any contract before it. In other words, transfers a possible action through the intervention of state to a time prior to the formation of the same. For this the state of nature is metaphorical: it is the memory of what might happen if the contract is not respected. When this happens, comes a terrible monster Leviathan: civil war arises.
The importance of Hobbes as a modern thinker lies that seeks to legitimize the power of the sovereign without resorting to the concept of "divine right", but seeks an explanation by observation. It also represents the concept of the state not only the property (the king) but as an institution for the common good, thinking that characterizes the modern view of the state.
Differences and similarities between Machiavelli and Hobbes
Machiavelli and Hobbes both start out the same idea that human nature is essentially selfish and the State stems from the inability of the individual to defend himself. While both emphasize the way in which the State must exercise violence monopoly to maintain order. Both authors have a modern view of politics, not as the best way in which to govern, but on the justification of why the state should exist in the case of Hobbes, or how to handle the state's power by their leaders. The differences are that Machiavelli is entirely practical and describes how to govern, ie, gives practical advice to the prince, while Hobbes theoretically justifies the existence of the state. This is an important distinction as for Machiavelli the state is an end in itself, whereas for Hobbes.
of justice as
been found in nature of man be three main causes of discord:
Competence is the cause that impels men to attack to make a profit. This makes use of violence to become owner of individuals, women, children and cattle men
Mistrust: to achieve security. To defend
Gloria: winning reputation. Resort to force by insignificant as a word, a smile, a different view.
Yet it is manifest that during the time men live without a common power to frighten everyone is in the condition called war, a war that is everyone against everyone. Therefore, anything that is inherent in a time of war, it is natural also in the time men live without other security than their own strength and their own invention can provide.
In such a situation there is no place for industry, because its result is uncertain, therefore, no culture or knowledge and the life of man is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.
In this war of all against all, there is a consequence: that nothing can be unjust. The notions of right to equality, justice and injustice have no place. Where there is no common power, there is no law, where no law, no justice. In the war force and fraud are the two cardinal virtues. It is also natural that there is no property no dominion, no distinction between you and me, one belongs to each one what they can take, and only if I can keep it.
There can be no security for anyone to exist during the time that Nature usually provides a livelihood for men.
The state is not natural but artificial body: not a spontaneous production of nature, but a historic collective production of art which imitates human. This work is rational is the most excellent of nature: man. Indeed, thanks to the art is created that great Leviathan is called Republic or State which is but an artificial man whose protection and defense was instituted and in which sovereignty is an artificial weapon that gives life and movement to the whole body.
The state of nature is the true definition of a collective movement nominalist physically observe and experience: universal violence of the Civil War. The state operates in the universal war that is all Revolution: chaotic collective burst of physical violence of human passions, returning to its natural state naked. Whoever
ordain and establish a regime, as the first founding of the state must necessarily have sovereign power over the people being reached by a natural force
way: when men agree among subject themselves to a man, or assembly of men, voluntarily, hoping to be protected by someone at all over.
The people are subjected by fear and the state must ensure the necessary protection to ensure their lives from violence.
Freedom is the absence of impairments that can rob a man of his power as a natural right that every man has to use his own power to preserve his life.
law forbids the human nature to find their own well to preserve his life and that of others. The right is the freedom to do or not do, as determined by law and binds to one of the two, with what the law and the law defined as the obligation and freedom in one and the same matter are inconsistent (Hobbes, Leviathan).
References consulted:
Mauricio Schuttenberg, "Machiavelli and Hobbes: continuities and discontinuities in political thought"
This presentation was made by Andrea Ibarra