Monday, April 18, 2011

Brazilian Wax Plus Size


One assumptions most often heard in the word of Christ is: "Do not judge," Why not? Why not criticize?
For many reasons ...
Making judgments is wasting our energy, we can not label anything, nobody has the power to decide whether something is good or bad, because nobody has the absolute truth of the facts. Ignore both the cause that motivates someone to have some kind of attitude, as well as ignoring the will of God to allow things that probably are not in our power to understand.
When we made the decision not to prosecute, we are giving you the opportunity to find peace in our conscience because we have less of a burden! in our existence, we no longer have to worry about the actions of others and that allows us to take care of our full!.

Being constantly judging, labeling, evaluating, interpreting, and creating thousands and assuming a conjecture in our minds, creating formidable type soap opera stories. Only makes us to concentrate our energy and our thoughts on things that do not belong to reality, because ultimately an assumption does not guarantee the accuracy of the story or the truth of it.

When these webs we weave into our mind, we tend to attitudes o palabras que en realidad no existen, por ejemplo: María quedó de verte hoy a las 2:00, tu cancelaste todas tus citas para llegar puntual, ¿Ella? ¡jamás llegó! y por si fuera poco no te avisó. ¿Que pensarías?.

Empecemos a fabricar historias... tal vez pienses que se burló de ti porque no tuvo siquiera la delicadeza de avisarte, o no te quiere, no te soporta, prefirió salir con otra persona, le importas tan poco que se olvidó de la cita... mil y un etc.

Any of these thoughts, you begin to generate insecurity, resentment, instability, and probably end up with friendship. But you do not know the truth are only assumptions, but the negative feelings and generous! We must take into account that if our life walk well, we should attempt to handle always in balance, everything in life gives us, when our mind is free and it flows in its normal course. The prosperity and money also is energy, therefore communicate with the energy you create.
So ...

is better to concentrate on our projects, our goals ... our realities.
We can not to judge, because we are possessors of absolute truth, and because we already have enough work to solve our life!.
How many times have you gotten into trouble for judge or comment?.
There are many people who judge and make comments without having a base or knowledge of what they do, and all of which are uncertain, without thinking that they can result in irreparable damage the person to whom it judged, or made an inappropriate comment, as the hateful comments are like a snowball that grows and grows and leaves a devastating mark.
is why we must be very careful and respectful of others, we should not do to others what not wish for us.
must learn to respect the privacy of each individual. ;
If we fix the world we must start with our own life.

Luke 6:37

"Judge not, and you will not be judged: condemn not, and not

be condemned


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