In an interview with CNBC Buffet detailed his philosophy of life and how managed to become a billionaire:
claims that has everything you need in your home, he bought 50 years ago. There has no bars.
- has no driver, drives his own car and has no security personnel.
- never travels in private jets, despite owning airline largest private jet in the world.
- His company Berkshire Hathaway owns 63 companies.
- He writes a letter each year to every CEO of companies wishing you good wishes for the coming year.
- never hold regular meetings or telephone calls.
- gave them only two rules for its managers. Number one: never lose money for shareholders, and number two: never forget rule number one.
- not socialize with the upper class. His hobby when he gets home is to make popcorn and watch television.
- not use cell phone or computer. When asked what recommendations would you give young people responded with the following rules:
- Stay away from credit cards and savings inviƩrtanlos in yourself and remember this: money does not create man, man is that creates the money.
- Live your life as simple as you are.
- Do not do what others say, just listen to them. Just do what you feel good.
- not use things for their brands, just use what you feel comfortable.
- not waste your money on unnecessary things, spend it on things you really need.
- After all it's your life, why take a chance on the others that you manage.
The man in question was born in 1930 in Omaha, United States, and as a child learned the operation of high finance as his father was a broker. Studied at Wharton and Columbia universities then began his career as a seller of investment and stock market analyst in the firm of his father.
In 1965 it acquired textile firm Berkshire Hathaway and began investing in insurance companies. In the past 37 years, his investments generated an average income of 22 percent. Last year, Buffett decided to donate 85% of his fortune to charity and, among these grants, awarded U.S. $ s31.000 million to the foundation of marriage Gates.El Mr. Buffett said that virtually all his fortune will go to the Buffett Foundation . Rejects the principle of transferring large fortunes from one generation to another.
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