Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tek Dek Monster Energy

7 steps to financial goal setting can get

Before undertaking any initiative or project should be formulated by at least one goal that you want to go, otherwise they would be walking aimlessly and never know if what you're doing is right or wrong.

Goals Seminar - Carlos Lopez

Companies should establish goals at the start of any project, but how to define the best way?, follows a simple formula, consisting of seven steps that will surely help solve that concern.

Step 1. Identification of the target (s)

Although it seems very basic, there are two fundamental aspects in the identification of targets that are generally neglected:

  • should be specific and measurable
  • must be established positively

The first aspect, the specificity and measurability are key when trying to execute a project, not simply set to be a profit with this or that development, must determine the specific amount of earnings that are generated, not enough to say that will increase market share, set in that proportion will increase market share and what are the segments that will be affected ...

also objectives must be established positively, so that they look like a fait accompli, "Win $ 1,500 in a year I will be improving my quality of life, get out of debt, it will download my salary, paying the mortgage.

Step 2. Identify the benefits and beneficiaries

already identified objectives will be to determine what the benefits you'll get the organization, its people, its shareholders, customers, suppliers and all those with whom you have contact. To achieve goals will be moving towards a better state, either at the level of inventories, annual sales, reducing waste in processes, etc..

Whatever the area where the goals are established and benefits will always be someone will get these benefits, if general perfect, but if individuals have to identify and list them in order to make them known, not only those who will benefit but the whole organization.

Step 3. Fixing time limits

Developed the first two steps should establish time limits for each objective. When you set a certain period of time is creating a sense of urgency to take any action that may be required, is recommended, short-term projects (up to 120 days) to work on a daily basis while longer-term projects could be based weekly or biweekly.

Resulta adecuado elaborar cronogramas que permitan dividir el objetivo en pedazos pequeños, así se cierra la posibilidad de sentir que no se podrá conseguir el objetivo final, ya que se estará trabajando en el día a día por conseguir objetivos más pequeños que sumados permitirán lograr el más importante.

Ejemplo de esto sería un año para ganar 1,500 dolares adicionales.

Step 4. Identification of the main obstacles

If one wants to achieve goals then you need to know about possible problems that can be found on the path towards achieving them otherwise not be made advance plans or strategies to solve them.

"Every problem carries within itself the seeds of its own solution" Stanley Arnold

Step 5. Identifying the skills and knowledge required

already known what the problems being addressed is to determine what skills and knowledge must have developers of the project, the manager project does not have to be an expert in all areas, so if you have to have is the ability to find the information you need and the ability to identify what skills and knowledge are required.

Solution: I will train, will practice with the tools, read all emails, I will participate in continuing education training, etc.

Step 6. Identification of individuals, groups, organizations and businesses with whom to work

If we turn to the right people will find the right solution, if it seeks to improve production levels likely indicated to advance the project are the workers of the plant, if you want to improve the level of sales then the sales team, sales management and customer service department should forward the task ...

Step 7. Action plan development

The goals will not be achieved simply with specifications or knowing what the barriers to cross, be achieved if you run a sensible action plan parallel to a schedule.

Many of the tasks ahead should be broken down into these seven steps and converted into smaller goals, the truth is that the action plan is the daily work under conditions of prior planning that take from the work to be done, the time devoted to them, the people who run up to the contingencies that may arise and possible solutions. Proper planning prevents poor performance.


If you do not take the time to establish their dreams and goals, it is very difficult to achieve its goal of having a successful business.

I wish the best of success!


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