Heraclitus in the early work of Nietzsche
By Juan Bautista García Bazán
Chair: Theory of Knowledge
school year: 2010
"From the standpoint of historical-philological may still be possible to demonstrate that nietszchiana conception of truth as an" illusion "comes from Heraclitus, or, in other words, Nietzsche would have copied out and reading this author . Let the historians philosophy the satisfaction of discovering such relationships based on these loans. "
Heidegger: Seminars in Freiburg on Nietzsche
s word of Heidegger, the seminar devoted to Nietzsche in years 1936-1940, alluding mainly to fr. point of Heraclitus, the 28DK: "For the most esteemed (dokimótatos) knows (gnóskei) things apparent (dokéonta) and saves them, and yet the judge Justice makers and witnesses of lies."
Not only will our Heideggerian analysis of this sentence. Can say, In any case, the truth as illusion would refer to that knowledge, who ran the "most estimates" - the "apparent things, false or deceptive. What is perhaps striking is that the heading is drawn and copied Nietzsche, the philosopher of Ephesus, these issues. Certainly there
Heraclitus brands in most of the works of Nietzsche. For example, in Posthumous Writings of summer-autumn of 1884, reads:
"The philosophy of the Vedas and Heraclitus are my predecessors: that the world is a divine play and is beyond good and evil." Also, another clear reference in these writings, offers a year later: "The game, useless, as an ideal of who is overaccumulated of force, as childish. The childishness of God, in Greek Passon country .... " Obviously the two events were inspired by the fragment 52DK:
"time of life
(AION) is a child (country) playing
(paisson) the dice, a child
the kingdom." Heidegger
But strictly speaking the concept of truth. And the title essay of 1873, Nietzsche, mentioned the word: On the truth and falsehood in an extra moral sense ( Über Wahrheit und Lüge im Sinne außermoralischen ). The first page of this work, said (25):
"In a secluded corner of the universe, where bright innumerable solar systems, there once was a star in which some clever animals invented knowledge. It was the arrogant and deceitful minute" history universal ", but only a minute. After a few breaths of nature that star froze, and the clever animals had to die. Someone could have invented a fable and yet not have sufficiently illustrated the dire state, dark and fleeting ; senseless and capricious in that it shows the human spirit in nature. There were eternities in which there existed, and when it disappears no nothing happened, because for that intellect no function beyond human life [...] "
spoken knowledge of its deceptive nature, but also the nature of eternity, and of human life. All these terms refer to one or other references to Nietzsche's posthumous fragments: The world as a divine play, divine, and understood the reference to the Vedas, as a god is rolled back, such as India that divinity is surrounded by bubbles, which preserves or destroys, according to his own pleasure, the world etc., but also Heraclitus are the eternities, is the nature, cosmos life (aion) which behaves like a child, of course it is the innocence, that aspect would be present in Zarathustra, the child playing with dice, and you can stop and break down the pieces , regardless of the consequences. And is this other life, human life, which in comparison with the divine, is shown below and miserable ...
Say this characterization of human knowledge, but is presented in terms of a hidden story, moreover, not only allusions to the thought of Heraclitus, but also references to a particular worldview, the Greek. For Nietzsche, speaking of knowledge, of truth and falsehood, is installed in the belief that the universe is cyclic, not linear. And from that point of view, it seems that Nietzsche was opposed epistemological conception different from that of modern Western thought: think of Hegel or positivism, as inheritors of the Judeo-Christian temporality, speak of a linearity, irreversible progress their systems. In this sense, beyond the character essay of this work, Nietzsche raises or installed from a different position, or the use of the Greek tradition, and particularly the philosophy of Heraclitus. What was this strategy, if Nietzsche indeed sought to contrast it with the philosophy of his time? And second, how much credit can be given to the words of Heidegger, referring to the readings and loans that would have removed Nietszsche philosopher of Ephesus?. This is what I try to point out below.
When we speak of knowledge and sensation in man is said (26): "... that pride linked to hearing and feeling, which puts a blinding fog over the eyes and senses of men, and deceives on the value of existence, because it carries with it the most flattering evaluation of knowledge. " And again: "Its effect more ... general is deception. "
This reference
knowledge (Erkenntnis ) and deception (Täuschung) read an echo of fr. 56DK:
"He tricked (exepátentai) men with respect to knowledge (gnosis) of visible things (phanerons prapplesíos), in the same way that Homer, who was the wisest of all Greeks. Because he too was misled (exetátesan) children who killed a louse, when he said, "what we saw and we (eidomen elábomen kai), so we let him aside, and we did not see or take, that we take" .
Here is the same reference of the two terms: the knowledge and deception. Secondly, it is interesting to note that the reference has to do with things visible and Homer. This may relate to the fr. 28DK wearing Heidegger are the most esteemed ( dokimótatos) as Homer, the wisest of all Greeks ( Ellénon sophóteros panton ), those who know ( gignoskein ), some, things are apparent ( dokéonta) , the other, things visible ( phanerons prapplesíos ). Is this use of Heraclitus, if correct, pointing to a western philosopher? Because The reference was to Homer, who did not understand the riddle of these young people, and as we passed elsewhere Aristotle (fr. 8, on the poets) this situation had seized the Poet, causing his death. Irrespective of the tests to be offered, or the apparently labile nature of these comparisons, it should continue with the text (27):
"The intellect, as a means of preservation of the individual, unfolds its greatest strength in the act of pretending, because this is the resource with which individuals are kept [...] "
The intellect is related to life, the life of man is said to have deployed his greatest strength in the act of pretending ( entfaltet Hauptkräfte in der seine Verstellung ). At this point Nietzsche continues without departing from the Heraclitean reading: Life of man as artistic activity. In so doing we discover the reflection of God that creates pleasure, to have that extra strength. The man does the same. Forger activity in extra-moral sense here is clear: cheating, lying, slandering, but also represent, as man's own activity.
"Moreover, throughout his life the man fooled by night dream without question his sense of moral stop [...] (27). "
This may relate to three fragments of Heraclitus about the metaphor of sleep: "But other men were hidden (lanthánei) the things they do awake, just as they forget ( epilanthánontai) of the things that make sleeping "(1DK)," We must not act and talk like them that sleep "(74DK). For the waking there is a common world ... those who sleep become a private one (89DK).
But if there is a reference that is not in doubt about these relationships with these Heraclitean, is presented immediately (27):
"What man knows itself from itself? Could be seen even once, exposed as an illuminated? Did not hidden nature of most things, even his own body [...]. " Clearly
resonates here fr. 123 DK: "Nature loves to hide." That nature was previously identified with the eternities, in the words of Nietzsche, with the game, and Heraclitus, the life of the cosmos (AION), is what men do can be viewed on its own poiesis. Here would be another more definite budget reappear in other works. The self ( Selbst) as the voice of the body, that pride, these forces (greed, cruelty, murder) that consciousness, the logical or theoretical knowledge can not even suspect. "Only through forgetfulness can man come to assume that it has [is] the truth" (29).
That truth, defined in terms of "illusions" ( Täuschung) (33) is what people forget to activity-theoretical sense: that the words were born of metaphors, images or intuitions pristine then solidify, crystallize into that, but words to correspond with reality. Forgetting as a process by passing some men in Heraclitus, but also, as one deception as to the knowledge of the apparent, and as knowledge from the most esteemed, or teacher of Hellas, Homer. Was it a coincidence that the vocabulary of the young Nietzsche was so similar to that of Heraclitus?
Nietzsche In the second chapter makes a veiled reference to last fr. Heraclitus (44):
"But the man himself has an invincible tendency to be deceived and is as enchanted with happiness when the bard tells legends as true or when the actor playing the role of king, royal acts more that it shows the reality. "
The quote speaks of the Greeks, on time, and is described in terms of the sentence 104 DK:
"But what is intelligence (nóos ) or mind (Fren ) in them ? Believe ( peithontai ) to the bards of the people and served as master of the crowd, not knowing that the majority is poor and few are good. " Appointment of the intellect and speaks of belief in Nietzsche and enchantment fooled by the same agents.
From all this it may be concluded, synthetically as follows:
The influence of the philosophy of Heraclitus, Nietzsche does not seem fitting. Not only is shown as appellant in relation to the style employed by the German philosopher but also as essential as it appears as structuring of the same argumentative logic of the text. We speak of knowledge, intellect, truth, lie, vocabularies that refer in the first instance, the repertoire of modern philosophy terms, for example, presented with rationalism, however, Kantianism and Hegelianism. It is known debt and turn the rejection of certain concepts of philosophy that Nietzsche schpenhaueriana raised in The origin of the tragedy and in his most mature. But here the references are epistemological and can be extended to land identified, but are also more generic, and the chosen tone, to be essay, might suggest that Nietzsche does not intend to look an explicit attack on any contemporary philosopher. Although it is true that the words almost words and phrases copied from Heraclitus, perhaps to suggest some clues: Greek philosophy as a way out of the pose, seen as reductionist, contemporary philosophy, for if we think about the ability forger as a sort of a priori condition in men, the discussion reinsertaría, probably in the field of theory of knowledge. This operative is given, we might almost say, unconsciously, and in this regard would be located in a sense beyond the moral but also a natural, cosmic, as a reflection of the power of certain forces of the universe. In that act innocent, find peace, pleasure, and provides the values \u200b\u200bto make a culture, a civilization. Both the positive and the negative of such activity, we saw, is explained in terminology and in a Heraclitean conception. This pattern of Greek, and mainly by Heraclitus, is a constant in the thinking of this young philosopher: to serve the study devoted to Wagner, will be on the redefinition of the philosophy of Schopenhauer: the constant struggle of opposites, of drunkenness and sleep, the night light of the Apollonian or of Dionysus, and categories to explain to the music , the experience of philosophy, but ultimately refer further explanation, and constituting, as tensions primacy of the epistemological foundation of the philosopher of Ephesus.
We believe that these slurs on the thought of Heraclitus are present in Nietzsche. Sometimes more visible, others less so. Why Nietzsche joins the terms of knowledge-cheating-lying-dream talk about men? You wanted to be a new Heraclitus leaving, in turn, another puzzle? The philosophy in this sense as a talk about the puzzling, mysterious and tragic.
Heidegger: Heidegger M. (1961), Nietzsche I. Paris: Gallimard.
Heraclitus: Cornavacca, R. (2008). Presocratics. I. Fragments Bilingual Edition. Buenos Aires: Losada.
Heraclitus: Colli, G. (I, 1995, II, 2008, III, 2010). Greek Wisdom. Madrid: Trotta.
Heraclitus: Diano, C. and Serra, G. (2000). Eraclit. I Frammenti e le Testimonianze .
NIETZSCHE: Fink, E. (1973). Philosophy di Nietzsche . Padova: Mondadori.
Nietzsche: Nietzsche, F. (2009). On Truth and Lies . Madrid: Miluna.