know that the Japanese always have loved fresh fish, but the waters close to Japan have not had fish for decades?
So, to feed the Japanese population, the fishing boats got bigger and more powerful to go offshore, even further, since before the trip took several days to reach the fish market was no longer fresh.
The Japanese do not like the taste of fish when it is not cool ... To resolve this problem, fishing companies installed freezers on their boats. However, the Japanese could taste the difference and did not like the taste of frozen fish as a result, had to be undercut.
So fishing companies made the decision to install tanks to keep fish alive in fishing boats, so they could catch fish, put them in tanks and keep them alive until you reach the coast Japan. Although it was noted that after a while, the fish stopped moving in the tank. Were 'boring' and tired but alive and also noticed the difference in taste. Because the fish stop moving, lose the taste 'fresh-fish. "
as you reach your goals, start a new business, pay your debts, find a partner, or whatever, you lose the passion. No need to work so hard, so you just relax.
You experience the same problem that people who win the lottery, or of those who inherit a lot of money and never mature, or the people who stay home and become addicted to drugs for depression or anxiety.
already said L. Ron Hubbard in his book 'The benefits of the challenges' :
' People thrive, more strangely,
only when there are challenges in their environment.
The more intelligent, persistent and competent you are, the more you enjoy a good problem. If your challenges are the correct size, and if you are steadily conquering those challenges, you feel happy. You think of your challenges and you're feeling energetic. You are excited to try new solutions. Having fun, you feel alive !!!!!
And this is how the fish are kept alive and fresh flavor. So now the fishing companies put the fish in the tanks on fishing boats, but ... put too ... A small shark! And of course the shark eats a few fish!, But others come very, very 'alive' as the fish are challenged. Ti enen to swim on the way into the tank to stay alive.
Recommendation: Instead of avoiding challenges, jump into them and give them a beating. Enjoy the game. If your challenges are too large or too many, never give up. Failure tire you more. Best, reorganize. Find the determination, information, knowledge and assistance. When you reach your goals, set a goal other major goals. Once you satisfy your family goals, seeks to achieve the goals of your group, your community, even the whole of humanity. Never create success and then lie about it.
So no matter how hard the situation and very distant feel to be far from achieving your goals reflect and 'invites a shark in your tank and find out how far you can really get